
Time goes by...so slowly...


It has been ages since Ive actually sat down and written something wholesome.

Ive been paying hard attention to the time lately, seeing as how its almost the year anniversary of what Lauren and I used to have. Ive spent the majority of the day wondering how much different it would be if she and I were still together, if the feelings were still as strong as they were for those 8 months when we hid our relationship in the dark corners of a high school merely lurking about at equality. I see her usually on a daily basis and the sting on unrequited love is finally starting to wear off, thankfully. There were times earlier this year that I would want her back so badly, and I think I honestly, truly do want her back, regardless of the pain she put me through.

Ill finish this later...

This is later:
I wish I could have kept my shit together and blogged more frequently because everything Ive wanted to blog about has either disappeared to the back of my mind or just lost its importance. So from now on I plan to be a better blogger. ALSO, Ive been trying to blog through text and when I check online the text isnt coherent to what I originally typed.

Something I observed today:
I love women that have to confidence to go braless in skin-tight v-neck t-shirts out in a public shopping bizaar when the weather isnt just the right summer temperature yet in Texas. She gets the award for being titsy, literally and philosophically. [FYI, I coined that term, it's not in the dictionary, ALTHOUGH I may just put it up on urbandictionary]. I also found it so fucking attractive. Confidence is definitely something my girl must have; Confidence is like the biggest thing I even look for. I need someone to fill in for my reserved, peacefulness. 

The Best Friend:
Everything about my best friend is perfect. Well...perfect in the sense of everything I find genuine in a person. We've gotten so close over this past year its unbelievable; we had met our freshman year in high school and were pretty tight that freshman summer and once sophomore year started and I had transferred schools we grew a bit apart, we still talked and had each other's backs when one of us needed to talk and everything but it wasnt until our junior summer that we started hanging out more frequently and binding our friendship every day. Over this past year we've both gone through gruesome break-ups and new loves and we've knocked the sense into each other about what is really important; I think we'll thank each other for that later. And now, two weeks from our high school graduation we're already assigned to the same UNT dormroom and planning all of our summer trips. We take weekly trips to the mall farthest away from our houses, within the limits of what we can travel and make a routinely IKEA run, picking out, arguing and finally agreeing on what colors we'll use for our dorm; it's like we're just living together like we have practically been doing for the past year, its so energizing. I want my girlfriend to have alot of her qualities. 

Best Quotes of the Weekend:
[at Six Flags over Texas on the Orchestra Festival Trip]
me- "holy shit, wonder woman...DAYUM...!"
mrs duston- :aaaaaaahahahahaha, wow:
me- "oh..my god...Im so sorry, I didnt..."
mrs duston- "...oh no Ive know you were for a long time, and I agree :funny smirk:"


[at TMTD with all the family and some awesome booth-neighbors]
dad- "look at all these lesbians, I bet you're like in...lesbian heaven..."
booth-neighbor lady with gorgeous eyes- "niccccce."
me- "LESBIANS! I want one."

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